Getting Started


Hardware and Operating System

You need a web server capable of running the Apache, PHP, and PostgreSQL stack. We highly recommend using a Linux operating system. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 is a great choice. Windows Server might work, but we make no promises. You’ll probably encounter some minor issues. It’s not something we have the time nor motivation to support.

Web Server Stack

Install the latest versions of Apache, PHP (5.4+), and PostgreSQL.


The Internship Inventory is a module for the phpWebsite Content Management System. Follow phpWebsite’s documentation to set up a new instance.

Installing Internship Inventory

  1. After you a have working installation of phpWebsite, download the latest release of Internship Inventory from GitHub.
  2. Uncompress the file into a new directory in phpWebsite’s ‘mod’ directory.
  3. Use phpWebsite’s Boost system to install the Internship Inventory module.
  4. Visit the Internship Inventory’s settings page to customize the settings to your environment.